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Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RuG)
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LocatiesGroningen, gemeente Groningen, GR
Omvangonbekend personen
Producten/dienstenOnderzoek en academische studies
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Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RuG)

MissieThe University of Groningen as a socially responsible institution has set itself the goal of promoting sustainable development1 in all aspects of the university. This covers both the promotion of sustainable development in teaching and research and the expression of this in accommodation, management and business operations. (Bron: website RuG. Lees verder op http://www.rug.nl/duurzaamheid/Algemeen/milieubeleidsverklaring)
Actief inGemeente Groningen, Noord-Nederland, Provincie Groningen, Paddepoel (Gemeente Groningen)
DoelenThe University of Groningen will comply with all relevant legislation and regulations. The University of Groningen will comply with all the obligations and recommendations set out in agreements it has signed, for example the Copernicus Charter and the Long-term Agreement on Energy Efficiency. (Bron: website RuG. Lees verder op http://www.rug.nl/duurzaamheid/Algemeen/milieubeleidsverklaring)
OnderzoekZie http://www.rug.nl/duurzaamheid/algemeen/index
InitiatievenZie http://www.rug.nl/duurzaamheid/Algemeen/copernicus (Sustainable Development project)